The riddim doesn't feature the biggest names around, but gives room to upcoming talent to show their skills. The best known name is Zamunda with a strong tune, and also Alva and Jabalance might have attract some earlier attention. Other artists are Cronsyncro, Unstoppable Fyah and Grass, to name a few.
Check this riddim mix to learn about the big talents that are coming up!
1. Zamunda - Clean And Out
2. Jabalance - Wi Get Gal Easy
3. Unstoppable Fyah - 100 Gal
4. Cronsyncro - You Girl
5. Alva - Wine Up You Body
6. Grass - My Girl Come Here
7. Shakespear & Allova - Beg Her Some
8. Chipstar - Every Wah Wi Go
9. Nottalone - Let Me Know Girl